
This package contains general data structures and helper classes.


Interface Summary
Computer This defines a compute() method that takes an Object input and produces a String output.
Listener This defines an interface for receiving events.
WorkerEngine.WorkerCallback This defines an interface for receiving results from a subprocess.
WorkerEngine.WorkerTask This defines an interface for performing tasks in a subprocess.

Class Summary
A4Reporter This class receives diagnostic, progress, and warning messages from Alloy4.
ByteBuffer Mutable; implements a growable array of bytes.
ConstList<T> Immutable; implements a list based on equals(); null values are allowed.
ConstList.TempList<T> Mutable; this implements a modifiable list that can be used to construct a ConstList; null values are allowed.
ConstMap<K,V> Immutable; implements a map based on hashCode() and equals(); null key and values are allowed.
ConstSet<K> Immutable; implements a set based on hashCode() and equals(); null value is allowed.
DirectedGraph<N> Mutable; implements a directed graph; null node is allowed.
Env<K,V> Mutable; implements a undoable map based on hashCode() and equals(); null key and values are allowed.
JoinableList<E> Immutable; implements a list where it is combine them; null values are NOT allowed.
Listeners This stores a list of listeners.
MacUtil This class provides better integration on Mac OS X.
MailBug This class asks the user for permission to email a bug report when an uncaught exception occurs.
OurAntiAlias Graphical convenience methods for managing and constructing antialias-capable components.
OurBorder Graphical border on zero, one, two, three, or all four sides of a component.
OurCheckbox Graphical checkbox.
OurCombobox Graphical combobox.
OurConsole Graphical input/output prompt.
OurDialog Graphical dialog methods for asking the user some questions.
OurHighlighter Graphica highlighter.
OurPDFWriter Graphical convenience methods for producing PDF files.
OurPNGWriter Graphical convenience methods for producing PNG files.
OurSyntaxWidget Graphical syntax-highlighting editor.
OurTabbedSyntaxWidget Graphical multi-tabbed syntax-highlighting editor.
OurTree Graphical tree.
OurUtil Graphical convenience methods.
Pair<A,B> Immutable; stores a pair of object references; Pair.equals() compares by calling equals() on both components.
Pos Immutable; stores the filename and line/column position.
Runner This class converts a Runnable into an AbstractAction, WindowListener, CaretListener, and MenuListener also.
SafeList<T> This list allows add() but disallows remove() and set(); null values are allowed.
Subprocess This provides a convenience wrapper around a Process object.
UniqueNameGenerator This generates unique names based on names provided by the caller.
Util This provides useful static methods for I/O and XML operations.
Util.BooleanPref This reads and writes boolean-valued Java persistent preferences.
Util.IntPref This reads and writes integer-valued Java persistent preferences.
Util.StringPref This reads and writes String-valued Java persistent preferences.
Version This holds the buildDate String.
WorkerEngine This class allows you to execute tasks in a subprocess, and receive its outputs via callback.
XMLNode Immutable; this class represents an XML element node.

Enum Summary
Listener.Event This defines the list of possible events.

Exception Summary
Err Immutable; this is the abstract parent class of the various possible errors.
ErrorAPI Immutable; this represents an API usage error.
ErrorFatal Immutable; this represents a fatal error.
ErrorSyntax Immutable; this represents a syntax error that should be reported to the user.
ErrorType Immutable; this represents a type error that should be reported to the user.
ErrorWarning Immutable; this represents a nonfatal warning that should be reported to the user.

Package Description

This package contains general data structures and helper classes.