Uses of Class

Packages that use Command This package contains the definition of AST nodes. This package contains the compiler This package contains the translator from Alloy4 to CNF (using kodkod). 

Uses of Command in

Fields in declared as Command
 Command Command.parent
          If nonnull, it means this command depends on this parent command.

Methods in that return Command
 Command Command.change(ConstList<CommandScope> scope)
          Constructs a new Command object where it is the same as the current object, except with a different scope.
 Command Command.change(Expr newFormula)
          Constructs a new Command object where it is the same as the current object, except with a different formula.
 Command Command.change(Sig... additionalExactScopes)
          Constructs a new Command object where it is the same as the current object, except with a different list of "additional exact sigs".
 Command Command.change(Sig sig, boolean isExact, int newScope)
          Constructs a new Command object where it is the same as the current object, except with a different scope for the given sig.
 Command Command.change(Sig sig, boolean isExact, int startingScope, int endingScope, int increment)
          Constructs a new Command object where it is the same as the current object, except with a different scope for the given sig.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Command
 ConstList<Command> Module.getAllCommands()
          Return an unmodifiable list of all commands in this module.

Constructors in with parameters of type Command
Command(Pos pos, java.lang.String label, boolean check, int overall, int bitwidth, int maxseq, int expects, java.lang.Iterable<CommandScope> scope, java.lang.Iterable<Sig> additionalExactSig, Expr formula, Command parent)
          Constructs a new Command object.

Uses of Command in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Command
 ConstList<Command> CompModule.getAllCommands()
          Return an unmodifiable list of all commands in this module.
static ConstList<Command> CompUtil.parseOneModule_fromFile(java.lang.String filename)
          Parses 1 module from the file (without loading any subfiles)
static ConstList<Command> CompUtil.parseOneModule_fromString(java.lang.String content)
          Parses 1 module from the input string (without loading any subfiles)

Uses of Command in

Methods in with parameters of type Command
static A4Solution TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_command(A4Reporter rep, java.lang.Iterable<Sig> sigs, Command cmd, A4Options opt)
          Based on the specified "options", execute one command and return the resulting A4Solution object.
static A4Solution TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_commandFromBook(A4Reporter rep, java.lang.Iterable<Sig> sigs, Command cmd, A4Options opt)
          Based on the specified "options", execute one command and return the resulting A4Solution object.