Uses of Class

Packages that use Sig.PrimSig This package contains the definition of AST nodes. This package contains the compiler This package contains the translator from Alloy4 to CNF (using kodkod). This package contains a simple GUI client, as well as several examples on using the API. 

Uses of Sig.PrimSig in

Fields in declared as Sig.PrimSig
static Sig.PrimSig Sig.GHOST
          The built-in "none" signature.
static Sig.PrimSig Sig.NONE
          The built-in "none" signature.
 Sig.PrimSig Sig.PrimSig.parent
          If this is UNIV or NONE, then this field is null, else this field is the parent sig.
static Sig.PrimSig Sig.SEQIDX
          The built-in "seq/Int" signature.
static Sig.PrimSig Sig.SIGINT
          The built-in "Int" signature.
static Sig.PrimSig Sig.STRING
          The built-in "String" signature.
static Sig.PrimSig Sig.UNIV
          The built-in "univ" signature.

Methods in that return Sig.PrimSig
 Sig.PrimSig Type.ProductType.get(int i)
          Returns a specific PrimSig in this ProductType
 Sig.PrimSig Sig.PrimSig.intersect(Sig.PrimSig that)
          Returns the intersection between this and that (and returns "none" if they do not intersect).
 Sig.PrimSig Sig.PrimSig.leastParent(Sig.PrimSig that)
          Returns the most-specific-sig that contains this and that.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Sig.PrimSig
 SafeList<Sig.PrimSig> Sig.PrimSig.children()
          Returns its immediate children sigs (not including NONE)
 java.lang.Iterable<Sig.PrimSig> Sig.PrimSig.descendents()
          Returns its subsigs and their subsigs and their subsigs, etc.
 java.util.List<java.util.List<Sig.PrimSig>> Type.fold()
          Return the result of folding this Type (that is, whenever a subset of relations are identical except for 1 position, where together they comprise of all direct subsigs of an abstract sig, then we merge them)

Methods in with parameters of type Sig.PrimSig
 Sig.PrimSig Sig.PrimSig.intersect(Sig.PrimSig that)
          Returns the intersection between this and that (and returns "none" if they do not intersect).
 boolean Sig.PrimSig.intersects(Sig.PrimSig that)
          Returns true iff the intersection between this and that is not "none".
 Sig.PrimSig Sig.PrimSig.leastParent(Sig.PrimSig that)
          Returns the most-specific-sig that contains this and that.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Sig.PrimSig
 Type Type.merge(java.util.List<Sig.PrimSig> that)
          Returns a new type { A | A is in this, or A == that }

Constructors in with parameters of type Sig.PrimSig
Sig.PrimSig(java.lang.String label, Sig.PrimSig parent, Attr... attributes)
          Constructs a non-builtin sig.

Uses of Sig.PrimSig in

Methods in that return Sig.PrimSig
 Sig.PrimSig CompModule.metaField()
          Returns the meta signature "field$" (or null if such a sig does not exist)
 Sig.PrimSig CompModule.metaSig()
          Returns the meta signature "sig$" (or null if such a sig does not exist)

Uses of Sig.PrimSig in

Methods in that return Sig.PrimSig
 Sig.PrimSig A4Tuple.sig(int i)
          Return the most-specific-sig for the i-th atom in this Tuple.

Uses of Sig.PrimSig in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Sig.PrimSig
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Sig.PrimSig> Helper.atom2sig(A4Solution solution)
          Given an A4Solution, return a map that maps every atom to its most specific signature.