
This package displays Alloy4 instances.


Class Summary
AlloyAtom Immutable; represents an Alloy atom in an instance.
AlloyElement Immutable; it's the abstract superclass extended by AlloyType, AlloySet, and AlloyRelation.
AlloyInstance Immutable; represents an Alloy instance that can be displayed in the visualizer.
AlloyModel Immutable; represents an Alloy model.
AlloyNodeElement Immutable; it's the abstract superclass extended by both AlloyType and AlloySet.
AlloyProjection Immutable; represents a set of types to be projected, plus the exact atom chosen for each type to be projected.
AlloyRelation Immutable; represents an Alloy relation of 2 or higher arity.
AlloySet Immutable; represents an Alloy set in an instance.
AlloyTuple Immutable; represents an Alloy tuple.
AlloyType Immutable; represents an Alloy toplevel signature or an Alloy subsignature.
StaticGraphMaker This utility class generates a graph for a particular index of the projection.
StaticInstanceReader This utility class parses an XML file into an AlloyInstance object.
StaticProjector This utility class performs projection of AlloyModel and AlloyInstance.
StaticThemeReaderWriter This utility class contains methods to read and write VizState customizations.
VizCustomizationPanel GUI panel for making customization changes.
VizGraphPanel GUI panel that houses the actual graph, as well as any projection comboboxes.
VizGUI GUI main window for the visualizer.
VizState Mutable; this stores an unprojected model as well as the current theme customization.
VizTree GUI tree that displays an instance as a tree.

Package Description

This package displays Alloy4 instances.