Alloy 6 is a self-contained executable, which includes the Pardinus/Kodkod model finder and a variety of SAT solvers, as well as the standard Alloy library and a collection of tutorial examples. The same jar file can be incorporated into other applications to use Alloy as an API, and includes the source code.

You can download alloy from

To execute, simply double-click on the jar file, or type java -jar org.alloytools.alloy.dist.jar in a console. For MacOS users, there is a DMG file.

Since Alloy 6, the tool can also perform temporal model-checking. at the time of this writing, this relies on external tools NuSMV or nuXmv (preferred from an efficiency point of view) that should be installed by the user and mad available in the PATH.

Formal Software Design with Alloy 6 outdated online book specifically dedicated to learning Alloy 6
FAQ Frequently asked questions about Alloy
reference Language reference for Alloy 6
grammar Alloy Grammar in Java CUP
lex Alloy Lexical tokens in flex
quick guide Overview of new features in Alloy 4
comparisons Comparisons to Z, B, VDM and OCL (PDF)
Alloy API Documentation for Alloy API
Alloy API Examples examples of using the compiler, the ast, the evaluator
online tutorial A step-by-step walkthrough and tutorial for Alloy 4
tutorial slides Slides for day-long tutorial by Rob Seater and Greg Dennis
digital humanities tutorial A tutorial introducing Alloy for digital humanities work, by C. M. Sperberg-McQueen