Untyped macros can be defined at the top level of a file. All 3 syntax are equivalent. (If parameterless, then [ ] can be omitted.)

let a[x,y,z]   {...}
let a[x,y,z] = {...}
let a[x,y,z] = .....

Macro expansion obeys proper grammar, so each argument to a macro must be an integer/boolean/set/relation or must be a (possibly partial) call to a predicate/function/macro.

Macros are untyped, so in a file we can’t have 2 macros with the same name. Also, if a macro is in scope, it always overrides other possible sig/field/fun/pred with the same name (Just like when inside a paragraph if we see let x=y | F, then in F we always take x to mean y, even if globally there is some other sig x or some other field x)

Lexical scoping: Inside a macro body, if you refer to a name not in the parameter list, then we will resolve it from the file that “defined” the macro, rather than resolve it from the file that “calls” the macro.

Currying: if you call a macro with insufficient number of arguments, then the result is a new macro with the first N parameters filled in, like currying.


Applying Macros

  let apply [a,b,c] = a[b,c]
  let add [x,y] = x.plus[y]
  check { apply[add, 2, 3] = 5 }

or even:

  check { apply[plus, 2, 3] = 5 }

Implementing “then” using currying

open util/ordering[Time]
sig Time { }
let then [a, b, t, t']    {  some x:Time | a[t,x]&&  b[x,t']  }

one sig Light { brightness: Int one->  Time }

pred brighter [t, t': Time] {
    Light.brightness.t' = Light.brightness.t.plus[1]
    t' = t.next

pred dimmer [t, t': Time] {
    Light.brightness.t' = Light.brightness.t.minus[1]
    t' = t.next

run {
    some t:Time | brighter.then[dimmer].then[dimmer] [first, t]
} for 4 Time


To make it easier to denote dynamic fields macros can be used:

let dynamic[x] = x one->Time
let dynamicSet[x] = x->Time

Sequential composition works due to the currying semantics. Given predicate p[t,t':Time] or macro p[t,t'], q[t,t':Time], and q[t,t'], given predicate r[t,t':Time] or macro r[t,t'], you can construct the sequential composition pqr without needing to declaring and passing in t1,t2,t3,t4:

let then [a, b, t, t'] {
    some x:Time | a[t,x]&&  b[x,t']

let pqr = p.then[q].then[r]

It is easy to have in parameter and an out parameter for an imperative event. Just list them before t and t'. Eg.

let a[x,t,t'] { ... }

It is easy to have local variables in an imperative event, as long as the local variable is written to at most once. Just add a some x:SomeType in front of the body. eg.

some x, y:Int | a[x].then[b].then[c[x,y]].then[d[y]]

while[cond,body] works. Where cond should evaluate to a value that takes t and where body should evaluate to a value that takes t and t')

while0[cond,body,t,t'] ignores the body and just asserts that cond is false at time t and that t==t’. Then while1 as while0 + one loop unrolling. Then while2 as while1 + one loop unrolling. etc.

Finally, let while = while3, so while by default unrolls up to 3 times, and rejects traces that requires more than 3 unrollings. When the user imports util/time, the user can re-bind while to while2 to reduce the amount of loop unrolling, or maybe bind while to while5 to increase the amount of loop unrolling.

This is how the farmer puzzle can be solved using these macros:

open util/ordering[Time]
sig Time { }

let dynamic[x] = x one->  Time
let dynamicSet[x] = x ->  Time

let then [a, b, t, t'] {
    some x:Time | a[t,x]&&  b[x,t']

let while = while3

let while9 [cond, body, t, t'] {
    some x:Time | (cond[t] =>  body[t,x] else t=x)&&  while8[cond,body,x,t']

let while8 [cond, body, t, t'] {
    some x:Time | (cond[t] =>  body[t,x] else t=x)&&  while7[cond,body,x,t']

let while7 [cond, body, t, t'] {
    some x:Time | (cond[t] =>  body[t,x] else t=x)&&  while6[cond,body,x,t']

let while6 [cond, body, t, t'] {
    some x:Time | (cond[t] =>  body[t,x] else t=x)&&  while5[cond,body,x,t']

let while5 [cond, body, t, t'] {
    some x:Time | (cond[t] =>  body[t,x] else t=x)&&  while4[cond,body,x,t']

let while4 [cond, body, t, t'] {
    some x:Time | (cond[t] =>  body[t,x] else t=x)&&  while3[cond,body,x,t']

let while3 [cond, body, t, t'] {
    some x:Time | (cond[t] =>  body[t,x] else t=x)&&  while2[cond,body,x,t']

let while2 [cond, body, t, t'] {
    some x:Time | (cond[t] =>  body[t,x] else t=x)&&  while1[cond,body,x,t']

let while1 [cond, body, t, t'] {
    some x:Time | (cond[t] =>  body[t,x] else t=x)&&  while0[cond,body,x,t']

let while0 [cond, body, t, t'] {
    !cond[t]&&  t=t'

abstract sig Place { }
one sig Near, Far extends Place { }

abstract sig Object { location: dynamic[Place] }
one sig Farmer, Fox, Chicken, Grain extends Object {}

pred eats [a, b: Object] { a->b in Fox->Chicken + Chicken->Grain }

pred crossRiver [t, t': Time] {
    t' = t.next
    some x:Object | {
        x.location.t != x.location.t'
        x!=Farmer =>  {
        all y:Object-Farmer-x | y.location.t = y.location.t'
    no p, q: Object {

let notdone[t] = (Object.location.t != Far)

run {
        some t:Time | {
        while7[notdone, crossRiver, first, t]
} for 8 Time