Uses of Class

Packages that use Sig This package contains the definition of AST nodes. This package contains the compiler This package contains a pure-Java evaluator/simulator for Alloy4 instances. This package contains the translator from Alloy4 to CNF (using kodkod). 

Uses of Sig in

Subclasses of Sig in
static class Sig.PrimSig
          Mutable; reresents a non-subset signature.
static class Sig.SubsetSig
          Mutable; reresents a subset signature.

Fields in declared as Sig
 Sig Sig.Field.sig
          The sig that this field belongs to; never null.
 Sig CommandScope.sig
          The sig whose scope is being given by this CommandScope object.

Fields in with type parameters of type Sig
 ConstList<Sig> Command.additionalExactScopes
          This stores a list of Sig whose scope shall be considered "exact", but we may or may not know what its scope is yet.
 ConstList<Sig> Sig.SubsetSig.parents
          The list of Sig that it is a subset of; this list is never empty.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Sig
 ConstList<Sig> Module.getAllReachableSigs()
          Return the list containing UNIV, SIGINT, SEQIDX, STRING, NONE, and all sigs defined in this module or a reachable submodule.
 SafeList<Sig> Module.getAllSigs()
          Returns an unmodifiable list of all signatures defined inside this module.
 ConstList<Sig> Command.getGrowableSigs()
          Helper method that returns true iff this command contains at least one growable sig.

Methods in with parameters of type Sig
 Command Command.change(Sig... additionalExactScopes)
          Constructs a new Command object where it is the same as the current object, except with a different list of "additional exact sigs".
 Command Command.change(Sig sig, boolean isExact, int newScope)
          Constructs a new Command object where it is the same as the current object, except with a different scope for the given sig.
 Command Command.change(Sig sig, boolean isExact, int startingScope, int endingScope, int increment)
          Constructs a new Command object where it is the same as the current object, except with a different scope for the given sig.
 CommandScope Command.getScope(Sig sig)
          Helper method that returns the scope corresponding to a given sig (or return null if the sig isn't named in this command)
abstract  boolean Sig.isSameOrDescendentOf(Sig that)
          Returns true iff "this is equal or subtype of that"
 boolean Sig.PrimSig.isSameOrDescendentOf(Sig that)
          Returns true iff "this is equal or subtype of that"
 boolean Sig.SubsetSig.isSameOrDescendentOf(Sig that)
          Returns true iff "this is equal or subtype of that"
abstract  T VisitReturn.visit(Sig x)
          Visits a Sig node.
 T VisitQuery.visit(Sig x)
          Visits a Sig node (this default implementation simply returns null)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Sig
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> Command.getAllStringConstants(java.lang.Iterable<Sig> sigs)
          Return a modifiable copy of the set of all String constants used in this command or in any facts embedded in this command.

Constructors in with parameters of type Sig
CommandScope(Pos pos, Sig sig, boolean isExact, int startingScope, int endingScope, int increment)
          Construct a new CommandScope object.
CommandScope(Sig sig, boolean isExact, int scope)
          Construct a new CommandScope object.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Sig
Command(Pos pos, java.lang.String label, boolean check, int overall, int bitwidth, int maxseq, int expects, java.lang.Iterable<CommandScope> scope, java.lang.Iterable<Sig> additionalExactSig, Expr formula, Command parent)
          Constructs a new Command object.
Sig.SubsetSig(java.lang.String label, java.util.Collection<Sig> parents, Attr... attributes)
          Constructs a subset sig.

Uses of Sig in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Sig
 ConstList<Sig> CompModule.getAllReachableSigs()
          Return the list containing UNIV, SIGINT, SEQIDX, STRING, NONE, and all sigs defined in this module or a reachable submodule.
 SafeList<Sig> CompModule.getAllSigs()
          Returns an unmodifiable list of all signatures defined inside this module.

Uses of Sig in

Methods in with parameters of type Sig
 void SimInstance.init(Sig sig, SimTupleset value)
          Initializes the given sig to be associated with the given unary value; should only be called at the beginning.
 SimAtom SimInstance.makeAtom(Sig sig)
          Create a fresh atom for the given sig, then return the newly created atom.
 SimTupleset SimInstance.visit(Sig x)
          Visits a Sig node.

Uses of Sig in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Sig
 SafeList<Sig> A4Solution.getAllReachableSigs()
          Returns an unmodifiable copy of the list of all sigs in this solution's model; always contains UNIV+SIGINT+SEQIDX+STRING+NONE and has no duplicates.

Methods in with parameters of type Sig
 A4TupleSet A4Solution.eval(Sig sig)
          Return the A4TupleSet for the given sig (if solution not yet solved, or unsatisfiable, or sig not found, then return an empty tupleset)
 java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.visit(Sig x)
          Visits a Sig node.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Sig
static A4Solution TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_command(A4Reporter rep, java.lang.Iterable<Sig> sigs, Command cmd, A4Options opt)
          Based on the specified "options", execute one command and return the resulting A4Solution object.
static A4Solution TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_commandFromBook(A4Reporter rep, java.lang.Iterable<Sig> sigs, Command cmd, A4Options opt)
          Based on the specified "options", execute one command and return the resulting A4Solution object.
static A4Solution<Sig> sigs, XMLNode xml)
          Parse the XML element into an AlloyInstance.
static void A4SolutionWriter.writeMetamodel(ConstList<Sig> sigs, java.lang.String originalFilename, out)
          Write the metamodel as <instance>..</instance> in XML format.