Uses of Class

Packages that use AlloyAtom This package displays Alloy4 instances. 

Uses of AlloyAtom in

Methods in that return AlloyAtom
 AlloyAtom AlloyTuple.getEnd()
          Returns the last AlloyAtom in this AlloyTuple.
 AlloyAtom AlloyProjection.getProjectedAtom(AlloyType type)
          Return the atom chosen for that type; returns null if that type is not projected.
 AlloyAtom AlloyTuple.getStart()
          Returns the first AlloyAtom in this AlloyTuple.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type AlloyAtom
 java.util.Set<AlloyAtom> AlloyInstance.getAllAtoms()
          Returns an unmodifiable sorted set of all AlloyAtoms in this AlloyInstance.
 java.util.List<AlloyAtom> AlloyTuple.getAtoms()
          Returns an unmodifiable list of the AlloyAtoms in this AlloyTuple.
 ConstList<AlloyAtom> AlloyTuple.project(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Integer> columns)
          Project this tuple and return an unmodifiable list of remaining atoms (after removing zero or more columns)
 java.util.List<AlloyAtom> AlloyInstance.set2atoms(AlloySet set)
          Returns an unmodifiable sorted list of AlloyAtom(s) in this set; answer can be an empty list.
 java.util.List<AlloyAtom> AlloyInstance.type2atoms(AlloyType type)
          Returns an unmodifiable sorted list of AlloyAtom(s) in this type; answer can be an empty list.

Methods in with parameters of type AlloyAtom
 java.util.List<AlloySet> AlloyInstance.atom2sets(AlloyAtom atom)
          Returns an unmodifiable sorted list of AlloySet(s) that this atom is in; answer can be an empty list.
 int AlloyAtom.compareTo(AlloyAtom otherAtom)
          Compare first by type, then by index, then by the original names.
 DotColor VizState.nodeColor(AlloyAtom a, AlloyInstance i)
 DotStyle VizState.nodeStyle(AlloyAtom a, AlloyInstance i)
 boolean VizState.nodeVisible(AlloyAtom a, AlloyInstance i)
 DotShape VizState.shape(AlloyAtom a, AlloyInstance i)

Constructors in with parameters of type AlloyAtom
AlloyTuple(AlloyAtom... atoms)
          Creates a new AlloyTuple containing the atoms specified by the list; atoms.size() must be 2 or above.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type AlloyAtom
AlloyInstance(A4Solution originalA4, java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String commandname, AlloyModel model, java.util.Map<AlloyAtom,java.util.Set<AlloySet>> atom2sets, java.util.Map<AlloyRelation,java.util.Set<AlloyTuple>> rel2tuples, boolean isMetamodel)
          Create a new instance.
AlloyProjection(java.util.Map<AlloyType,AlloyAtom> map)
          Constructs a new AlloyProjection object based on the set of types to be projected and the exact atoms chosen.
AlloyTuple(java.util.List<AlloyAtom> atoms)
          Creates a new AlloyTuple containing the atoms specified by the list; atoms.size() must be 2 or above.