Uses of Class

Packages that use AlloyType This package displays Alloy4 instances. 

Uses of AlloyType in

Fields in declared as AlloyType
static AlloyType AlloyType.INT
          This caches an instance of the "Int" AlloyType, so we don't have to keep re-constructing it.
static AlloyType AlloyType.SEQINT
          This caches an instance of the "seq/Int" AlloyType, so we don't have to keep re-constructing it.
static AlloyType AlloyType.SET
          This caches an instance of the "set" AlloyType, so we don't have to keep re-constructing it.
static AlloyType AlloyType.STRING
          This caches an instance of the "String" AlloyType, so we don't have to keep re-constructing it.
static AlloyType AlloyType.UNIV
          This caches an instance of the "univ" AlloyType, so we don't have to keep re-constructing it.

Methods in that return AlloyType
 AlloyType AlloyModel.getSuperType(AlloyType type)
          If type==univ, return null; otherwise, return a nonnull AlloyType object representing its super type.
 AlloyType AlloyModel.getTopmostSuperType(AlloyType type)
          If type==univ, return null; otherwise, return a nonnull AlloyType object representing its topmost non-univ super type.
 AlloyType AlloyAtom.getType()
          Return the type of the AlloyAtom.
 AlloyType AlloySet.getType()
          Returns the parent type of the AlloySet.
 AlloyType AlloyModel.hasType(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the AlloyType object if this model contains the given type; or return null otherwise.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type AlloyType
 ConstList<AlloyType> AlloyModel.getDirectSubTypes(AlloyType type)
          Returns a sorted, unmodifiable list of types that are direct subtypes of the given type.
 ConstSet<AlloyType> VizState.getProjectedTypes()
          Gets an unmodifiable copy of the set of types we are currently projecting over.
 java.util.Collection<AlloyType> AlloyProjection.getProjectedTypes()
          Return the sorted unmodifiable collection of types we are projecting.
 ConstList<AlloyType> AlloyModel.getSubTypes(AlloyType type)
          Returns a sorted, unmodifiable list of types that are direct or indirect subtypes of the given type.
 java.util.Set<AlloyType> AlloyModel.getTypes()
          Returns an unmodifiable sorted set of all AlloyType(s) in this model.
 java.util.List<AlloyType> AlloyRelation.getTypes()
          Returns an unmodifiable list of AlloyTypes representing the relation's type.
 java.util.List<AlloyType> AlloyRelation.project(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Integer> columns)
          Project this relation and return an unmodifiable list of remaining types (after removing zero or more columns)

Methods in with parameters of type AlloyType
 boolean VizState.canProject(AlloyType type)
          Returns true iff the type is not univ, and it is a toplevel type.
 int AlloyType.compareTo(AlloyType other)
          When comparing two AlloyType objects, we compare their names.
 void VizState.deproject(AlloyType type)
          Removes type from the list of projected types if it is currently projected.
 ConstList<AlloyType> AlloyModel.getDirectSubTypes(AlloyType type)
          Returns a sorted, unmodifiable list of types that are direct subtypes of the given type.
 AlloyAtom AlloyProjection.getProjectedAtom(AlloyType type)
          Return the atom chosen for that type; returns null if that type is not projected.
 ConstList<AlloyType> AlloyModel.getSubTypes(AlloyType type)
          Returns a sorted, unmodifiable list of types that are direct or indirect subtypes of the given type.
 AlloyType AlloyModel.getSuperType(AlloyType type)
          If type==univ, return null; otherwise, return a nonnull AlloyType object representing its super type.
 AlloyType AlloyModel.getTopmostSuperType(AlloyType type)
          If type==univ, return null; otherwise, return a nonnull AlloyType object representing its topmost non-univ super type.
 AlloySet AlloyModel.hasSet(java.lang.String name, AlloyType type)
          Returns the AlloyRelation object if this model contains the given relation; or return null otherwise.
 boolean AlloyModel.hasType(AlloyType type)
          Returns true if this model contains the given type.
static boolean AlloyModel.isCycle(java.util.Map<AlloyType,AlloyType> map, AlloyType x)
          Returns true iff the nodes x, map.get(x), map.get(map.get(x))...
 boolean AlloyModel.isDirectSubtype(AlloyType subType, AlloyType superType)
          Returns true iff "subType" is a direct subsig of "superType".
 boolean AlloyModel.isEqualOrSubtype(AlloyType subType, AlloyType superType)
          Returns true iff "subType" is equal to, or is a direct or indirect subsig of "superType".
 boolean AlloyModel.isSubtype(AlloyType subType, AlloyType superType)
          Returns true iff "subType" is a direct or indirect subsig of "superType".
 boolean VizState.isTopLevel(AlloyType type)
          Returns true iff the type is not univ, and it is a toplevel type.
 void VizState.project(AlloyType type)
          Adds type to the list of projected types if it's a toplevel type.
 java.util.List<AlloyAtom> AlloyInstance.type2atoms(AlloyType type)
          Returns an unmodifiable sorted list of AlloyAtom(s) in this type; answer can be an empty list.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type AlloyType
 AlloyRelation AlloyModel.hasRelation(java.lang.String name, java.util.List<AlloyType> types)
          Returns the AlloyRelation object if this model contains the given relation; or return null otherwise.
static boolean AlloyModel.isCycle(java.util.Map<AlloyType,AlloyType> map, AlloyType x)
          Returns true iff the nodes x, map.get(x), map.get(map.get(x))...
static boolean AlloyModel.isCycle(java.util.Map<AlloyType,AlloyType> map, AlloyType x)
          Returns true iff the nodes x, map.get(x), map.get(map.get(x))...
static AlloyModel StaticProjector.project(AlloyModel unprojectedModel, java.util.Collection<AlloyType> typesToBeProjected)
          Given an unprojected model, project it over the given collection of AlloyType(s).

Constructors in with parameters of type AlloyType
AlloyAtom(AlloyType type, int index)
          Create a new AlloyAtom with the given type and index.
AlloyAtom(AlloyType type, int index, java.lang.String originalName)
          Create a new AlloyAtom with the given type, index, and label.
AlloySet(java.lang.String name, boolean isPrivate, boolean isMeta, AlloyType type)
          Constructs a new AlloySet object.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type AlloyType
AlloyModel(java.util.Collection<AlloyType> types, java.util.Collection<AlloySet> sets, java.util.Collection<AlloyRelation> rels, AlloyModel old)
          Construct a new AlloyModel object.
AlloyModel(java.util.Collection<AlloyType> types, java.util.Collection<AlloySet> sets, java.util.Collection<AlloyRelation> rels, java.util.Map<AlloyType,AlloyType> map)
          Construct a new AlloyModel object.
AlloyModel(java.util.Collection<AlloyType> types, java.util.Collection<AlloySet> sets, java.util.Collection<AlloyRelation> rels, java.util.Map<AlloyType,AlloyType> map)
          Construct a new AlloyModel object.
AlloyModel(java.util.Collection<AlloyType> types, java.util.Collection<AlloySet> sets, java.util.Collection<AlloyRelation> rels, java.util.Map<AlloyType,AlloyType> map)
          Construct a new AlloyModel object.
AlloyProjection(java.util.Map<AlloyType,AlloyAtom> map)
          Constructs a new AlloyProjection object based on the set of types to be projected and the exact atoms chosen.
AlloyRelation(java.lang.String name, boolean isPrivate, boolean isMeta, java.util.List<AlloyType> types)
          Constructs a new AlloyRelation with that name and that list of types; types.size() must be 2 or above.