Uses of Class

Packages that use Pos This package contains general data structures and helper classes. This package contains the definition of AST nodes. This package contains the compiler This package contains the translator from Alloy4 to CNF (using kodkod). 

Uses of Pos in

Fields in declared as Pos
 Pos Err.pos
          This stores the filename/line/column information (Pos.UNKNOWN if unknown) (never null)
static Pos Pos.UNKNOWN
          The default "unknown" location.

Methods in that return Pos
 Pos Pos.merge(Pos that)
          Return a new position that merges this and that (it is assumed that the two Pos objects have same filename)

Methods in with parameters of type Pos
static boolean Pos.before(Pos a, Pos b)
          Returns true if neither argument is null nor UNKNOWN, and that the ending position of "a" is before the starting position of "b".
 Pos Pos.merge(Pos that)
          Return a new position that merges this and that (it is assumed that the two Pos objects have same filename)
 void OurTabbedSyntaxWidget.shade(Pos pos)
          Highlights the text editor, based on the location information in the Pos object.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Pos
 void OurTabbedSyntaxWidget.shade(java.lang.Iterable<Pos> set, java.awt.Color color, boolean clearOldHighlightsFirst)
          Highlights the text editor, based on the location information in the set of Pos objects.

Constructors in with parameters of type Pos
ErrorAPI(Pos pos, java.lang.String msg)
          Constructs a new API usage error.
ErrorFatal(Pos pos, java.lang.String msg)
          Constructs a new fatal error.
ErrorSyntax(Pos pos, java.lang.String msg)
          Constructs a new syntax error.
ErrorType(Pos pos, java.lang.String msg)
          Constructs a new type error.
ErrorWarning(Pos pos, java.lang.String msg)
          Constructs a new warning.

Uses of Pos in

Fields in declared as Pos
 Pos Expr.closingBracket
          The filename, line, and column position in the original Alloy model file of the closing bracket).
 Pos Decl.disjoint
          If nonnull, then each name is disjoint (and this.disjoint is the location of the "disjoint" keyword)
 Pos Decl.disjoint2
          If nonnull, then each atom of this sig has disjoint value for this field (and this.disjoint2 is the location of the "disjoint" keyword)
 Pos Sig.isAbstract
          Nonnull if this sig is abstract.
 Pos Sig.isEnum
          Nonnull if the sig is toplevel and is an enum.
 Pos Sig.isLone
          Nonnull if this sig's multiplicity is declared to be lone.
 Pos Sig.isMeta
          Nonnull if this sig is a meta sig.
 Pos Sig.Field.isMeta
          Nonnull if this field is a meta field.
 Pos Sig.isOne
          Nonnull if this sig's multiplicity is declared to be one.
 Pos Func.isPrivate
          If nonnull, then this predicate/function is private (and this.isPrivate is the location of the "private" keyword)
 Pos Sig.isPrivate
          Nonnull if the user wanted this sig to be private.
 Pos Sig.Field.isPrivate
          Nonnull if the user wanted this field to be private.
 Pos Decl.isPrivate
          If nonnull, then this decl is private (and this.isPrivate is the location of the "private" keyword)
 Pos Sig.isSome
          Nonnull if this sig's multiplicity is declared to be some.
 Pos Sig.isSubset
          Nonnull if this sig is a SubsetSig and therefore not a PrimSig.
 Pos Sig.isSubsig
          Nonnull if this sig is a PrimSig and therefore not a SubsetSig.
 Pos Func.pos
          The location in the original file where this predicate/function is declared; never null.
 Pos Attr.pos
          The position associated with this attribute.
 Pos CommandScope.pos
          The position in the original source file where this scope was declared; can be Pos.UNKNOWN if unknown.
 Pos Expr.pos
          The filename, line, and column position in the original Alloy model file (cannot be null).
 Pos Command.pos
          The position in the original file where this command was declared; never null.

Methods in that return Pos
 Pos Attr.AttrType.find(Attr... attributes)
          Returns the combined position for all Attribute of this type in the given array; null entries in the collection are ignored; if none are found we return null.
 Pos Func.pos()
          Returns a Pos object representing the position of this Expr.
 Pos Browsable.pos()
          Returns a Pos object representing the position of this Expr.
 Pos Expr.pos()
          Returns a Pos object representing the position of this Expr.
 Pos Command.pos()
          Returns a Pos object representing the position of this Expr.
 Pos Func.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos Sig.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprBadJoin.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprQt.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprUnary.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprCustom.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprBadCall.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos Decl.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this expression and all its subexpressions.
 Pos Browsable.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprConstant.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprLet.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprITE.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprBad.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprBinary.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos Command.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprChoice.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprHasName.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprList.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.
 Pos ExprCall.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.

Methods in with parameters of type Pos
 Sig.Field Sig.addDefinedField(Pos pos, Pos isPrivate, Pos isMeta, java.lang.String label, Expr bound)
          Add then return a new field F where this.F is bound to an exact "definition" expression.
 Sig.Field[] Sig.addTrickyField(Pos pos, Pos isPrivate, Pos isDisjoint, Pos isDisjoint2, Pos isMeta, java.lang.String[] labels, Expr bound)
          Add then return a new field, where "all x: ThisSig | x.F in bound"
 Attr Attr.AttrType.make(Pos pos)
          Construct an attribute of this type with this position; if pos==null, it is treated as Pos.UNKNOWN.
static Expr ExprChoice.make(Pos pos, ConstList<Expr> choices, ConstList<java.lang.String> reasons)
          Construct an ExprChoice node.
 Expr ExprUnary.Op.make(Pos pos, Expr sub)
          Construct an ExprUnary node.
 Expr ExprUnary.Op.make(Pos pos, Expr sub, Err extraError, long extraWeight)
          Construct an ExprUnary node.
static Expr ExprITE.make(Pos pos, Expr cond, Expr left, Expr right)
          Constructs a ExprITE expression.
static Expr ExprLet.make(Pos pos, ExprVar var, Expr expr, Expr sub)
          Constructs a LET expression.
 ExprConstant ExprConstant.Op.make(Pos pos, int number)
          Makes an ExprConstant node
static Expr ExprBadJoin.make(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, Expr left, Expr right)
          Constructs an ExprBadJoin node.
 Expr ExprBinary.Op.make(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, Expr left, Expr right)
          Constructs a new ExprBinary node.
static ExprList ExprList.make(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, ExprList.Op op, java.util.List<? extends Expr> args)
          Generates a call to a builtin predicate
static Expr ExprBadCall.make(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, Func fun, ConstList<Expr> args, long extraPenalty)
          Constructs an ExprBadCall object.
static Expr ExprCall.make(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, Func fun, java.util.List<Expr> args, long extraPenalty)
          Constructs an ExprCall node with the given predicate/function "fun" and the list of arguments "args".
 Expr ExprQt.Op.make(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, java.util.List<Decl> decls, Expr sub)
          Constructs a quantification expression with "this" as the operator.
static Browsable Browsable.make(Pos pos, Pos span, java.lang.String html, Browsable subnode)
          Construct a Browsable node with the given HTML description and the given single subnode.
static Browsable Browsable.make(Pos pos, Pos span, java.lang.String html, java.util.List<? extends Browsable> subnodes)
          Construct a Browsable node with the given HTML description and the given 0 or more subnodes.
static ExprVar ExprVar.make(Pos pos, java.lang.String label)
          Constructs an ExprVar variable with the EMPTY type
 ExprConstant ExprConstant.Op.make(Pos pos, java.lang.String string)
          Makes an ExprConstant node
static ExprVar ExprVar.make(Pos pos, java.lang.String label, Type type)
          Constructs an ExprVar variable with the given type
static ExprList ExprList.makeAND(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, Expr a, Expr b)
          Generates the expression (arg1 and arg2)
static ExprList ExprList.makeDISJOINT(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, java.util.List<? extends Expr> args)
          Generates the expression disj[arg1, args2, arg3...]
 Attr Attr.AttrType.makenull(Pos pos)
          Construct an attribute of this type with this position; if pos==null, this method returns null.
static ExprList ExprList.makeOR(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, Expr a, Expr b)
          Generates the expression (arg1 || arg2)
static ExprList ExprList.makeTOTALORDER(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, java.util.List<? extends Expr> args)
          Generates the expression pred/totalOrder[arg1, args2, arg3...]

Constructors in with parameters of type Pos
Command(Pos pos, java.lang.String label, boolean check, int overall, int bitwidth, int maxseq, int expects, java.lang.Iterable<CommandScope> scope, java.lang.Iterable<Sig> additionalExactSig, Expr formula, Command parent)
          Constructs a new Command object.
CommandScope(Pos pos, Sig sig, boolean isExact, int startingScope, int endingScope, int increment)
          Construct a new CommandScope object.
Decl(Pos isPrivate, Pos disjoint, Pos disjoint2, java.util.List<? extends ExprHasName> names, Expr expr)
          This constructs a declaration; the list of names must not be empty.
ExprBad(Pos pos, java.lang.String originalText, Err error)
          Constructs an ExprBad object.
ExprCustom(Pos pos, Err error)
          Constructs an ExprCustom object.
Func(Pos pos, Pos isPrivate, java.lang.String label, java.util.List<Decl> decls, Expr returnDecl, Expr body)
          Constructs a new predicate/function.
Func(Pos pos, java.lang.String label, java.util.List<Decl> decls, Expr returnDecl, Expr body)
          Constructs a new predicate/function.

Uses of Pos in

Fields in declared as Pos
 Pos CompModule.Open.pos
          The position in the original model where this "open" statement was declared; never null.

Methods in that return Pos
 Pos CompModule.pos()
          Returns a Pos object representing the position of this Expr.
 Pos CompModule.span()
          Returns a Pos object representing the entire span of this Expr and all its subexpressions.

Uses of Pos in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Pos
 Pair<java.util.Set<Pos>,java.util.Set<Pos>> A4Solution.highLevelCore()
          If this solution is unsatisfiable and its unsat core is available, then return the core; else return an empty set.
 Pair<java.util.Set<Pos>,java.util.Set<Pos>> A4Solution.highLevelCore()
          If this solution is unsatisfiable and its unsat core is available, then return the core; else return an empty set.
 java.util.Set<Pos> A4Solution.lowLevelCore()
          If this solution is unsatisfiable and its unsat core is available, then return the core; else return an empty set.

Uses of Pos in java_cup.runtime

Fields in java_cup.runtime declared as Pos
 Pos Symbol.pos
          The data passed to parser

Methods in java_cup.runtime with parameters of type Pos
 Symbol DefaultSymbolFactory.newSymbol(java.lang.String name, Pos pos, int id, java.lang.Object value)
 Symbol SymbolFactory.newSymbol(java.lang.String name, Pos pos, int id, java.lang.Object value)
          Construction with left/right propagation switched off

Constructors in java_cup.runtime with parameters of type Pos
Symbol(int id, Pos pos, java.lang.Object o)
          Constructor for no l,r values