Uses of Class

Packages that use Err This package contains general data structures and helper classes. This package contains the definition of AST nodes. This package contains the compiler This package contains a pure-Java evaluator/simulator for Alloy4 instances. This package contains the translator from Alloy4 to CNF (using kodkod). This package displays Alloy4 instances. This package contains a simple GUI client, as well as several examples on using the API. 

Uses of Err in

Subclasses of Err in
 class ErrorAPI
          Immutable; this represents an API usage error.
 class ErrorFatal
          Immutable; this represents a fatal error.
 class ErrorSyntax
          Immutable; this represents a syntax error that should be reported to the user.
 class ErrorType
          Immutable; this represents a type error that should be reported to the user.
 class ErrorWarning
          Immutable; this represents a nonfatal warning that should be reported to the user.

Methods in that throw Err
static long Util.writeAll(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String content)
          Open then overwrite the file with the given content; throws Err if an error occurred.

Uses of Err in

Fields in with type parameters of type Err
 JoinableList<Err> Expr.errors
          The list of errors on this node; nonempty iff this.type==EMPTY

Methods in with parameters of type Err
 Expr ExprUnary.Op.make(Pos pos, Expr sub, Err extraError, long extraWeight)
          Construct an ExprUnary node.

Methods in that throw Err
 Sig.Field Sig.addDefinedField(Pos pos, Pos isPrivate, Pos isMeta, java.lang.String label, Expr bound)
          Add then return a new field F where this.F is bound to an exact "definition" expression.
 void Sig.addFact(Expr fact)
          Add a new per-atom fact; this expression is allowed to refer to this.decl.get()
 Sig.Field Sig.addField(java.lang.String label, Expr bound)
          Add then return a new field, where "all x: ThisSig | x.F in bound"
 Sig.Field[] Sig.addTrickyField(Pos pos, Pos isPrivate, Pos isDisjoint, Pos isDisjoint2, Pos isMeta, java.lang.String[] labels, Expr bound)
          Add then return a new field, where "all x: ThisSig | x.F in bound"
 SafeList<Sig.PrimSig> Sig.PrimSig.children()
          Returns its immediate children sigs (not including NONE)
 Expr Expr.comprehensionOver(Decl firstDecl, Decl... moreDecls)
          Returns the comprehension expression {...|this}
 java.lang.Iterable<Sig.PrimSig> Sig.PrimSig.descendents()
          Returns its subsigs and their subsigs and their subsigs, etc.
 Expr Expr.forAll(Decl firstDecl, Decl... moreDecls)
          Returns the formula (all...| this)
 Expr Expr.forLone(Decl firstDecl, Decl... moreDecls)
          Returns the formula (lone...| this)
 Expr Expr.forNo(Decl firstDecl, Decl... moreDecls)
          Returns the formula (no...| this)
 Expr Expr.forOne(Decl firstDecl, Decl... moreDecls)
          Returns the formula (one ...| this)
 Expr Expr.forSome(Decl firstDecl, Decl... moreDecls)
          Returns the formula (some...| this)
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> Command.getAllStringConstants(java.lang.Iterable<Sig> sigs)
          Return a modifiable copy of the set of all String constants used in this command or in any facts embedded in this command.
 Decl Expr.loneOf(java.lang.String label)
          Return a new declaration "v: lone this"
 Decl Expr.oneOf(java.lang.String label)
          Return a new declaration "v: one this"
 Expr Module.parseOneExpressionFromString(java.lang.String input)
          Parse one expression by starting fromt this module as the root module.
 void Func.setBody(Expr newBody)
          Changes the method body.
 Decl Expr.setOf(java.lang.String label)
          Return a new declaration "v: set this"
 Decl Expr.someOf(java.lang.String label)
          Return a new declaration "v: some this"
 Expr Expr.sumOver(Decl firstDecl, Decl... moreDecls)
          Returns the integer (sum...| this)
 Expr Type.toExpr()
          Convert this type into a UNION of PRODUCT of sigs.
 T VisitReturn.visit(ExprBad x)
          Visits a ExprBad node
 T VisitReturn.visit(ExprBadCall x)
          Visits a ExprBadCall node
 T VisitReturn.visit(ExprBadJoin x)
          Visits a ExprBadJoin node
abstract  T VisitReturn.visit(ExprBinary x)
          Visits an ExprBinary node.
 T VisitQuery.visit(ExprBinary x)
          Visits an ExprBinary node (A OP B) by calling accept() on A then B.
abstract  T VisitReturn.visit(ExprCall x)
          Visits an ExprCall node.
 T VisitQuery.visit(ExprCall x)
          Visits an ExprCall node F[X1,X2,X3..] by calling accept() on X1, X2, X3...
abstract  T VisitReturn.visit(ExprConstant x)
          Visits an ExprConstant node.
 T VisitQuery.visit(ExprConstant x)
          Visits an ExprConstant node (this default implementation simply returns null)
abstract  T VisitReturn.visit(ExprITE x)
          Visits an ExprITE node.
 T VisitQuery.visit(ExprITE x)
          Visits an ExprITE node (C => X else Y) by calling accept() on C, X, then Y.
abstract  T VisitReturn.visit(ExprLet x)
          Visits an ExprLet node.
 T VisitQuery.visit(ExprLet x)
          Visits an ExprLet node (let a=x | y) by calling accept() on "a", "x", then "y".
abstract  T VisitReturn.visit(ExprList x)
          Visits an ExprList node.
 T VisitQuery.visit(ExprList x)
          Visits an ExprList node F[X1,X2,X3..] by calling accept() on X1, X2, X3...
abstract  T VisitReturn.visit(ExprQt x)
          Visits an ExprQt node.
 T VisitQuery.visit(ExprQt x)
          Visits an ExprQt node (all a,b,c:X1, d,e,f:X2...
abstract  T VisitReturn.visit(ExprUnary x)
          Visits an ExprUnary node.
 T VisitQuery.visit(ExprUnary x)
          Visits an ExprUnary node (OP X) by calling accept() on X.
abstract  T VisitReturn.visit(ExprVar x)
          Visits an ExprVar node.
 T VisitQuery.visit(ExprVar x)
          Visits a ExprVar node (this default implementation simply returns null)
abstract  T VisitReturn.visit(Sig.Field x)
          Visits a Field node.
 T VisitQuery.visit(Sig.Field x)
          Visits a Field node (this default implementation simply returns null)
abstract  T VisitReturn.visit(Sig x)
          Visits a Sig node.
 T VisitQuery.visit(Sig x)
          Visits a Sig node (this default implementation simply returns null)
 T VisitReturn.visitThis(Expr x)
          This is the start method that begins a traversal over the given expression.

Constructors in with parameters of type Err
ExprBad(Pos pos, java.lang.String originalText, Err error)
          Constructs an ExprBad object.
ExprCustom(Pos pos, Err error)
          Constructs an ExprCustom object.

Constructors in that throw Err
Func(Pos pos, Pos isPrivate, java.lang.String label, java.util.List<Decl> decls, Expr returnDecl, Expr body)
          Constructs a new predicate/function.
Func(Pos pos, java.lang.String label, java.util.List<Decl> decls, Expr returnDecl, Expr body)
          Constructs a new predicate/function.
Sig.PrimSig(java.lang.String label, Attr... attributes)
          Constructs a toplevel non-builtin sig.
Sig.PrimSig(java.lang.String label, Sig.PrimSig parent, Attr... attributes)
          Constructs a non-builtin sig.
Sig.SubsetSig(java.lang.String label, java.util.Collection<Sig> parents, Attr... attributes)
          Constructs a subset sig.

Uses of Err in

Methods in that throw Err
 Symbol CompLexer.next_token()
          Resumes scanning until the next regular expression is matched, the end of input is encountered or an I/O-Error occurs.
static CompModule CompUtil.parseEverything_fromFile(A4Reporter rep, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> loaded, java.lang.String filename)
          Read everything from "file" and parse it; if it mentions submodules, open them and parse them too.
static CompModule CompUtil.parseEverything_fromFile(A4Reporter rep, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> loaded, java.lang.String filename, int initialResolutionMode)
          Read everything from "file" and parse it; if it mentions submodules, open them and parse them too.
static Expr CompUtil.parseOneExpression_fromString(Module world, java.lang.String input)
          Parses then typecheck the given input String as an Alloy expression from that world
 Expr CompModule.parseOneExpressionFromString(java.lang.String input)
          Parse one expression by starting fromt this module as the root module.
static ConstList<Command> CompUtil.parseOneModule_fromFile(java.lang.String filename)
          Parses 1 module from the file (without loading any subfiles)
static ConstList<Command> CompUtil.parseOneModule_fromString(java.lang.String content)
          Parses 1 module from the input string (without loading any subfiles)
static CompModule CompUtil.parseOneModule(java.lang.String content)
 void CompParser.syntax_error(Symbol x)

Uses of Err in

Methods in that throw Err
 boolean SimInstance.cform(Expr x)
          Convenience method that evalutes x and casts the result to be a boolean.
 int SimInstance.cint(Expr x)
          Convenience method that evalutes x and cast the result to be a int.
 SimTupleset SimInstance.cset(Expr x)
          Convenience method that evalutes x and cast the result to be a tupleset
 boolean SimInstance.deleteAtom(SimAtom atom)
          Delete an atom from all sigs/fields/skolem...
 boolean SimInstance.equal(Expr a, Expr b)
          Helper method that evaluates the formula "a = b"
 void SimInstance.init(ExprVar var, SimTupleset value)
          Initializes the given var to be associated with the given unary value; should only be called at the beginning.
 void SimInstance.init(Sig.Field field, SimTupleset value)
          Initializes the given field to be associated with the given unary value; should only be called at the beginning.
 void SimInstance.init(Sig sig, SimTupleset value)
          Initializes the given sig to be associated with the given unary value; should only be called at the beginning.
 boolean SimInstance.isIn(Expr a, Expr b)
          Helper method that evaluates the formula "a in b"
 boolean SimInstance.isIn(SimTuple a, Expr b)
          Helper method that evaluates the formula "a in b" where b.mult==0
 SimAtom SimInstance.makeAtom(Sig sig)
          Create a fresh atom for the given sig, then return the newly created atom.
static SimInstance root, java.lang.String filename, java.util.List<ExprVar> vars)
          Construct a new simulation context by reading the given file.
 java.lang.Object SimInstance.visit(ExprBinary x)
          Visits an ExprBinary node.
 java.lang.Object SimInstance.visit(ExprCall x)
          Visits an ExprCall node.
 java.lang.Object SimInstance.visit(ExprConstant x)
          Visits an ExprConstant node.
 java.lang.Object SimInstance.visit(ExprITE x)
          Visits an ExprITE node.
 java.lang.Object SimInstance.visit(ExprLet x)
          Visits an ExprLet node.
 java.lang.Object SimInstance.visit(ExprList x)
          Visits an ExprList node.
 java.lang.Object SimInstance.visit(ExprQt x)
          Visits an ExprQt node.
 java.lang.Object SimInstance.visit(ExprUnary x)
          Visits an ExprUnary node.
 java.lang.Object SimInstance.visit(ExprVar x)
          Visits an ExprVar node.
 SimTupleset SimInstance.visit(Sig.Field x)
          Visits a Field node.
 SimTupleset SimInstance.visit(Sig x)
          Visits a Sig node.

Constructors in that throw Err
SimInstance(Module root, int bitwidth, int maxseq)
          Construct a new simulation context with the given bitwidth and the given maximum sequence length.
SimInstance(SimInstance old)
          Construct a deep copy of this instance (except that it shares the same root Module object as the old instance)

Uses of Err in

Methods in that throw Err
static java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.alloy2kodkod(A4Solution sol, Expr expr)
          Translate the Alloy expression into an equivalent Kodkod Expression or IntExpression or Formula object.
 kodkod.instance.Instance A4Solution.debugExtractKInstance()
          Returns the Kodkod instance represented by this solution; throws an exception if the problem is not yet solved or if it is unsatisfiable.
 java.lang.Object A4Solution.eval(Expr expr)
          If this solution is solved and satisfiable, evaluates the given expression and returns an A4TupleSet, a java Integer, or a java Boolean.
static A4Solution TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_command(A4Reporter rep, java.lang.Iterable<Sig> sigs, Command cmd, A4Options opt)
          Based on the specified "options", execute one command and return the resulting A4Solution object.
static A4Solution TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_commandFromBook(A4Reporter rep, java.lang.Iterable<Sig> sigs, Command cmd, A4Options opt)
          Based on the specified "options", execute one command and return the resulting A4Solution object.
          If this solution is UNSAT, return itself; else return the next solution (which could be SAT or UNSAT).
static A4Solution<Sig> sigs, XMLNode xml)
          Parse the XML element into an AlloyInstance.
 boolean Simplifier.simplify(A4Reporter rep, A4Solution sol, java.util.List<kodkod.ast.Formula> formulas)
          Simplify sol.bounds() based on the set of formulas, or to modify the formulas list itself.
 java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.visit(ExprBinary x)
          Visits an ExprBinary node.
 java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.visit(ExprCall x)
          Visits an ExprCall node.
 java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.visit(ExprConstant x)
          Visits an ExprConstant node.
 java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.visit(ExprITE x)
          Visits an ExprITE node.
 java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.visit(ExprLet x)
          Visits an ExprLet node.
 java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.visit(ExprList x)
          Visits an ExprList node.
 java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.visit(ExprQt x)
          Visits an ExprQt node.
 java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.visit(ExprUnary x)
          Visits an ExprUnary node.
 java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.visit(ExprVar x)
          Visits an ExprVar node.
 java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.visit(Sig.Field x)
          Visits a Field node.
 java.lang.Object TranslateAlloyToKodkod.visit(Sig x)
          Visits a Sig node.
static void A4SolutionWriter.writeMetamodel(ConstList<Sig> sigs, java.lang.String originalFilename, out)
          Write the metamodel as <instance>..</instance> in XML format.
 void A4Solution.writeXML(A4Reporter rep, writer, java.lang.Iterable<Func> macros, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sourceFiles)
          Helper method to write out a full XML file.
 void A4Solution.writeXML(A4Reporter rep, java.lang.String filename, java.lang.Iterable<Func> macros, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sourceFiles)
          Helper method to write out a full XML file.
 void A4Solution.writeXML( writer, java.lang.Iterable<Func> macros, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sourceFiles)
          Helper method to write out a full XML file.
 void A4Solution.writeXML(java.lang.String filename)
          Helper method to write out a full XML file.
 void A4Solution.writeXML(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.Iterable<Func> macros)
          Helper method to write out a full XML file.
 void A4Solution.writeXML(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.Iterable<Func> macros, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> sourceFiles)
          Helper method to write out a full XML file.

Uses of Err in

Methods in that throw Err
static AlloyInstance StaticInstanceReader.parseInstance( file)
          Parse the file into an AlloyInstance if possible.
static AlloyInstance StaticInstanceReader.parseInstance( reader)
          Parse the file into an AlloyInstance if possible, then close the Reader afterwards.

Uses of Err in

Methods in that throw Err
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,Sig.PrimSig> Helper.atom2sig(A4Solution solution)
          Given an A4Solution, return a map that maps every atom to its most specific signature.
static void ExampleUsingTheCompiler.main(java.lang.String[] args)
static void ExampleUsingTheAPI.main(java.lang.String[] args)
static void DemoFileSystem.main(java.lang.String[] args)